To close the wealth gap, in America.
We exist to foster
Economic Independence and Wealth
through Financial Stewardship.
We help you to
accumulate, distribute and transfer Generational Wealth.
We teach you how to
manage your cashflow, net-worth
and exposure-to-risk.
To help 1-million Americans amass a legacy of 8-figure wealth.
The ethic to make, keep and grow money.
"With better awareness, your going to make better choices, and
with better choices you're going to see better results," — Robin Sharma
"With a sound financial education a person can use taxes, debt,
inflation, and retirement to become rich rather than poor." — Robert Kiyosaki
“Principles are fundamental truths that serve as the foundations for behavior that gets you what you want out of life. They can be applied again and again in similar situations to help you achieve your goals.” ― Ray Dalio
"It never dawns on most financial gurus that you can control the
financial environment in which you operate. Perhaps it is caused
by lack of imagination, but whatever the cause, learning to control
it is the most profitable thing you can do over a lifetime." — Nelson Nash
Principle #5 - Accountability
“Rule #1: Never lose money. Rule #2: Never forget rule #1.” — Warren Buffet
"Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who
understands it, earns it ... he who doesn't ... pays it." — Albert Einstein
Principle #7 - Productivity
“Money makes money. And the money that makes money
makes more money.” — Benjamin Franklin
The framework to make, keep and grow money.
The discipline used to
record income, expenses, assets and liabilities.
The discipline used to
accept, safeguard and lend money for a fee.
The discipline used to
produce, distribute and transfer wealth.
The discipline used to
manage cash-flow, net-worth and risk.
The Operating System (OS).
Budgeting is the process of creating a capital allocation plan to optimize your cash-flow, net-worth and exposure-to-loss; to close the wealth gap--between where you are--and where you want to be, as quickly and effectively as possible.
Insuring is the process of managing risk to protect your assets, capital and other resources from unnecessary exposure to bad debt, inflation, mortality, qualified retirement plans that defer taxation and taxes incurred by capital gains, estate and income.
Saving is the process of accumulating capital to establish a budget surplus that is liquid, accrues compound interest, earns dividends, and safeguards reserves in a decentralized account administered by you for future investing & spending.
Spending is the process of paying bills to finance cost-of-living expenses such as childcare, clothing, education, entertainment, food, healthcare, housing, transportation, and utilities, etc... with cash or cash equivalents.
Leveraging is the process of using Other Peoples Money (OPM), for a fee, to purchase assets that create Economic Value Added (EVA) & realize a profit in the spread between the Rate-of-Return (ROR) and the Annual-Percentage-Rate (APR)
Investing is the process of purchasing assets to accumulate, distribute and transfer capital through: 1) passive income (cash-flow), 2) dividends [profit sharing] and (or) equity (capital gains a.k.a capital appreciation), to amass wealth.
The asset to accumulate, distribute and transfer wealth.
Capital, in compliance with IRC 7702, via cash-value accumulation.
Capital, in compliance with IRC 7702, via loans and cash-surrenders.
Capital, in compliance with IRC 7702, via death benefit payouts.
Testimonials were given by clients of Donumvita Agency, Donumvita Brokerage, Donumvita Consultancy, and Donumvita Digital, collectively DONUMVITA. There is no guarantee that clients will have similar results and (or) success.
By using this website, you understand the information being presented is provided for informational purposes only and agree to our terms of use and privacy policy. Donumvita Consultancy relies on information from various sources believed to be reliable, including clients and third parties, but cannot guarantee the accuracy and completeness of that information. Nothing in this communication should be construed as an offer, recommendation, or solicitation to buy or sell any product and (or) service. Additionally, Donumvita Consultancy does not provide tax advice and clients are encouraged to consult with their personal tax advisors.
The Stewardship Paradigm®, The Private Reserve System®, The POLI Contract®, and The Financial Stewardship Program® are Registered TRADEMARKS wholly owned by Donumvita Corporation ["DONUMVITA"].
All copyrightable text and graphics, the selection, arrangement, and presentation of all materials (including information in the public domain), and the overall design of this web page are Donumvita Corporation (dba DONUMVITA) hereinafter referred to as DONUMVITA. Permission is granted to download and print materials from this website for the purpose of viewing, reading, and retaining for reference. Any other copying, distribution, retransmission, or modification of information or materials on this site, whether in electronic or hard copy form, without the express prior written permission of DONUMVITA, is strictly prohibited.
All digital applications, marketing strategies and software are provided by Donumvita Digital LLC ("DV Digital").
The Financial Stewardship Program® is a comprehensive course/program that is offered by Donumvita Corporation (“DONUMVITA”). The Stewardship Paradigm® is a methodology for finance management that is taught by Donumvita Corporation ("DONUMVITA"). DONUMVITA is a financial education company that teaches Do-It-Yourself [DIY] financial principles/strategies to foster economic independence and wealth in America.
The Private Reserve System® is a money/wealth management method offered by Donumvita Consultancy LLC (“Donumvita Consultancy”), Donumvita Consultancy offers Done-For-You [DFY] financial budgeting. A service that creates plans to close our clients' wealth gap-between where they are-and where they envision being. All service fees are paid directly to Donumvita Consultancy.
The POLI Contract® is a wealth creation asset that is offered by Donumvita Brokerage LLC (“Donumvita Brokerage”). Donumvita Brokerage is a non-captive brokerage (working in the best interest of its' clients) and is not an agency of any life insurance carrier. Premiums are paid directly to the Insurance carrier and Donumvita Brokerage and its' brokers earn commissions from the insurance carriers for structuring/writing the contracts.
The tax-free cash value accumulation, distribution, and transfer strategies are in compliance with the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) 7702A & 7702B (Life Insurance Contract Defined). The tax-advantages are completely dependent upon how the contracts are funded and managed by the owner’s of the contracts that are brokered by Donumvita Brokerage.
All strategies involve risk, including the possible loss of principal, and past performance does not guarantee future performance. Historical returns, expected returns, and probability projections are provided for informational and illustrative purposes, and may not reflect actual future performance. Please see our full disclosure for important details.
Donumvita Agency, Donumvita Brokerage, Donumvita Consultancy, and DV Digital are wholly owned subsidiaries of Donumvita Corporation [“DONUMVITA”].
© 2024 Donumvita Corporation. All rights reserved.